Thursday, August 9, 2007

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Lecia and Randy were talking to each other in Kelsi's room today, when Randy said: "She's opening her eyes!" Lecia then said, "Kelsi, I see your eyes!" Kels had been able to peek open her eye, and when Lecia spoke, she looked at her mother. Also, periodically, Kelsi would respond to commands by squeezing her hand. While this is definately progress, the doctors are still watching her pressures and are saying that it could still be a roller-coaster ride before she's actually considered concious.


Anonymous said...

I don't know Kelsi - but my heart goes out to you and your family.

My wife went through a very trying hospitalization when she was young, the effects of it can still be seen on her body - her parents stood by and wondered if their beautiful girl was going to be ok.

That experience gave her a strength of character, a love of life and of others, and empathy that has blessed the lives of hundreds (maybe thousands) of people since that day. She came through it, bears the scars, but her inner beauty and strength have been such a blessing to me and our children, the wards we've lived in, the people of Ecuador...

The reason for life is for us to learn and grow - and I'm so sorry that it can be so hard. But I have complete faith that the Lord knows you, knows Kelsi, and is completely aware of your situation, and is blessing you as you draw closer to Him in this terribly hard time.

I also have faith that as Kelsi comes through this, she'll gain strength and attributes that will make her even more amazing.

God bless you, God bless Kelsi. My prayers are with you.

thp said...

Very nice. It was great to be able to tell the girls at Oakcrest about this. That picture really fits!

Holly said...

Thanks for keeping us updated about Kelsi. My children ask daily about her progress, so it is nice to go to her website and read what you have written. As a family we continue to pray for Kelsi and your family. Thank you for being wonderful examples of strength during this difficult time in your life.

AFS Research said...

Wow, each day seems more and more amazing stories are happening! What a blessing it is to know how are Heavenly Father is working in Kelsi's life. It sounds like it's still a tough road ahead but with the continued prayers and her wonderful family and friend support she has she will pull through. We love you Kelsi and can't wait to see you!! (Although we are greatful to be able to see some pictures of you posted on this blog) God bless you always.

Anonymous said...

wow. that is so so amazing!!! i am so happy. ah. this is a great sign!! kels and the rest of her family are in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Kelsi has been one of my closest friends since sixth grade. i love her so much and my prayers are with her and her family. She has helped me through a lot and i was always there to help her. She always knows the right thing to do in any situation and thats why i love her. She is soooo sweet to everyone no matter who they are and what they have done. she judges no one and i cant wait to see her wake up and smiling again. i love you kelsi marie so much and her family.

Anonymous said...

Kelsi is so beautiful and has an awesome personality. She is always random which i love about her and she always knows how to make me laugh. Her friends Jessica O, Karli L, Paige W, Jerrica O, Hilary M, Cassie S, Keyan H, Mark S, Charles S, Nate M, we were her best friends in sixth grade. we were the funnest gang in the sixth grade. We all did the funnest and greatest things and we all have amazing memories. When Kelsi wakes up we are all going to be there for her and bring back some old memories. LOVE YOU KELSI!!!! love, us all.