Saturday, September 15, 2007

Saturday September 15, 2007

Today started out pretty good for Kelsi. She went about her usual morning routine, but when the speech therapist came to get her, a scary mishaps occurred. She started to move from her bed to the wheel chair and her foot slipped on the floor. Her Dad was on the wrong side of the wheel chair to get to her and she fell, striking the right cheek of her face on the floor. Although she fell only a short distance and mostly caught herself on her hands, the floor is very hard and the impact gave her a small headache and a red spot on the part of her face that covers her cheek bone. Needless to say it scared everyone a great deal. Dad feels really bad because he had gotten a little slack in his job of watching over her. He had seen so much success that this little slip came as a real surprise. Kelsi is the one that is supposed to be overconfident. Dad is happy that she was over it fairly quick. A couple hours later the red mark on the cheek had faded away as had the headache.
Speech therapy went the best it has ever gone today (immediately after her fall). She did reading, writing and problem solving so much better than previous days. We even remarked that the little bump on the face may have woke up some still sleepy parts of her brain. Everything she did in therapy session was a step forward.
Her spirits were up because today she had a ride pass to go home and to go see the Harry Potter movie at the theater.
Once home she joined in with the family enjoying every moment of her evening stay. The movie went fairly good. She did need to doze a few times to get through it. She still has a ways to go before she can sit through a full length movie. Yeah for the DVD/VCR. When she gets home she can stop the movie when she is tired.
After the movie the family went home and enjoyed her company. She caught a few well deserved Z's and then it was time to go back to the hospital. She was a little sad that she had to go back, but it is only for the night. She gets to return in the morning to attend church, have dinner with the family and rest at home before returning to the hospital.

Friday, September 14, 2007

September 14, 2007

Today was a frustrating day for Kelsi at times. In speech therapy she was working on handwriting. After awhile she said, "this is crap!" (I'm not used to that coming out of her) I said, "what is?" She told me how crappy her writing was. We then went on to discuss what her handwriting was like before the accident compared to now. She was very discouraged. We had to keep reminding her that with lots of practice and more time she will be able to be back to where she was before the accident.
She had to change rooms today also because they are closing the hall she was in to do some construction. She was moved to "B" pod. This was confusing to her because it wasn't "her" hospital room. Within a day or two she should be used to the new room.
We took her over to the University Hospital hoping to catch some of the doctors and nurses from Neuro Critical Care. We were in luck. When we walked in the door the head neurosurgeon spotted us and came running out of the room she was in. She was so excited to see Kelsi. She hadn't seen her since she left ICU. Kelsi couldn't even lift her head off the pillow then. Kelsi stood up out of her wheelchair and took some steps toward the doctor. She also spoke to her. Some of the other doctors and nurses who helped Kelsi through her most critical time were also there. They were so excited to see the progress she is making. They were so appreciative that we brought her over there. They said they don't get to see that very often. Kelsi was able to verbally tell them thank you and it made their day.
Each of you help make our days brighter because of your continued love and support! Thank you!
Kelsi's evening improved greatly from the rougher than usual morning. With her arm holding her Dad's, they were able to go for several walks around the hospital. On the longest of the walks, Kelsi used her Dad's arm for stability and walked from her room, to the stair case near the elevators. With only the help of the hand rails on the stairs, Kelsi climbed from the 2nd to the 3rd floor. Dad and Kelsi walked together and sat on a couch near the 3 computers that her parents have often used to enter data to this blog. After a short rest, she made the return trip and decended the stairs with only the help of the hand rails. When she got closer to her room she was breathing harder and exhaused. Not long after that they were able to take yet another short stroll. Kelsi's Dad feels that the moments they are spending together during her recovery are some of the most cherished moments a parent could ever spend with a child. He thanks the Lord for the blessings he is receiving during Kelsi's recovery. Her Mom shares those sentiments as well.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

September 13, 2007

Kelsi had another good day! Her highlight was visits from some good friends! That always makes her day. My highlight was to get her laughing so hard she finally said, "stop, mom!" She is looking forward to the weekend. She decided she wants to go see the new Harry Potter movie on Saturday. She wanted to see this movie when it first came out but we didn't make it before her accident. We will then spend some time at our house. Sunday she wants to try to attend Young Women and Sacrament meeting. We will spend time at our house after church too. Kelsi feels that she is up to having more visitors than last weekend. So, if you would like to visit her at our home this weekend, feel welcome. It would be easier for you than coming clear up to the hospital. Call first to be sure we are there! We love all of you and appreciate each and every one!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

September 12, 2007

Kelsi has remembered to use her voice all day today. I haven't heard one whisper. A couple weeks ago 2 of her therapists asked her where her favorite place to eat was. She said it was Cafe Rio. They made a deal with her that when she could talk loud enough for them to hear her order, they would take her there for lunch. Today they said that it looks like that lunch date is getting close.
she's doing awesome.
Tonight the charge nurse told Randy that they think Kelsi may be able to go home next week. We are hoping that will happen!!
Kelsi was taking a nap this afternoon when all of the sudden, she sat up and said, "I think it's so dumb." I asked her what was dumb. She said, "I think it's so dumb that they won't let me go to Young Women tonight." I thought that was pretty funny because I didn't know she even realized Young Women was tonight. She then went on to talk about how long it had been since she had attended young women. I told her that if the doctors approved, I would take her to her young women class on Sunday and also Sacrament meeting. She was excited about that.
Several people have asked us if there is something in particular, or specific they could pray for at this point. We are praying that her eyes will continue to heal. They need to become stronger and start working together better. Thank you so much for asking and wanting to continue praying for her!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

September 11, 2007

When we looked over Kelsi's MRI results we said, "It's all Greek to me." We were told it's actually Latin. When we asked for it in English we were shown all of the pictures and the different areas of the brain which are damaged. There are small bleeds and tears throughout. There is one larger area in the right front lobe. The medical team was very positive and pleased with the results. They said that none of the damage is large enough to cause big problems. They expect a full recovery in time. The larger area in the front right lobe is where the personality is stored. They said even though it is larger than the other damaged areas it is not large enough to change her personality. It was very good news.
She walked all the way across the rehab gym and back today by herself with no assistance. She also did the treadmill without the harness. She was totally on her own and at a faster rate than before.
One of the greatest things today is that Kelsi finally turned her voice on. She is not whispering any more. It was kind of funny. She told her sister that she whispers because she's lazy and because her therapists let her get away with it. She told her coach it was because her voice was scratchy. Well, today I told on her so her therapists and I decided we would tickle her everytime she whispered. (she hates being tickled more than anything) It worked!!
She now has a poster hanging on her wall with all the goals she has to meet before she can come home. They think it will take appoximately 2 weeks for her to meet these goals.
We are so thrilled with her progress! Thanks to her determination and strong will and to each of you for your faith and prayers.

Monday, September 10, 2007

September 10, 2007

Today Kelsi had an MRI. We will get the results tomorrow morning. Because of this procedure she only had 2 hours of therapy in the morning. After the MRI she was pretty much wiped out for the rest of the day. Because you have to hold totally still for 45 minutes they used general anesthesia. There is no way she could hold perfectly still that long.
She is doing well and is getting hooked on cheesecake. I told her to enjoy it because she won't be getting that every day when she gets home.
One of her cross country coaches came to see her today and Kelsi told her the reason she doesn't like to talk is because she doesn't like the way her voice sounds. She said it sounds scratchy. So, now we know why she keeps whispering. She had been telling us she whispers because she likes to be lazy. Yeah, right! Kelsi lazy? She definitely can turn on her voice when she wants to though. Many of you have seen that. She is still seeing double and we are praying for that to soon go away. Today she told me that it is so slow to get better. I'm sure she doesn't realize or understand how slow this type of injury is to heal and she is actually healing very quickly.
Thank you for all of your love and prayers!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

September 9, 2007

As many of you know, Kelsi was able to attend Sacrament meeting in our ward today. She was very excited about it. I was afraid she would only make it half way through. She made it the entire 70 minutes. I apologize to those of you who wanted to talk to Kelsi afterwards. We needed to slip out during the closing song because too much stimulation makes her agitated right now. She told me later that too many people at once makes her nervous. That's the way she described it to me. It won't be long before it will not bother her and you can all visit with her. It just takes more healing before she will reach that stage.
She had a great time at home after church. We kept her a few more hours and then took her back.
While she was home she stood up from the couch where she was sitting, walked 4 steps, turned around and walked back to the couch, turned back around and sat down all on her own without anyone touching her. This is a HUGE milestone. Those were her first steps alone since her fall.
She now remembers going on the hike at camp. I asked her if she remembers the big beautiful tree Sister Mason showed us on our way up the hike. She did. She told me it was really big. I told her that was the tree she fell from. She was really surprised. She doesn't remember climbing it or falling. In fact, she told me she doesn't want to remember falling because it would be scary. I don't want her to either.
It was fun for us to bring Kelsi to church so you can see the power of fasting and prayer! Thank you so much and please continue to pray for her continued progess.