Saturday, August 25, 2007

Saturday August 25, 2007

Today was Kelsi's first day in the rehab gym. She worked with therapists for about 20 to 30 minutes working to follow simple commands. She improved her performance on a number of physical skills and seemed to follow commands a little better than yesterday. She has reached level IV on the Rancho Los Amigos Cognitive Scale. To better understand what this means see web site: Please continue to pray for her progress.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Friday, August 24, 2007

Every day Kelsi shows improvement. Some improvements are hard to measure or descibe. Today she did something new. She has been leading up to it for 2 days now, but she finally succeeded in putting voice to a word. Her first word since August 1 was "no". Spoken very softly - in a whisper, but totally unmistakable and in answer to the question "Would you like more pudding?" What she really meant was "yes", but the way the question was worded confused her into answering the opposite. She opened her mouth for more pudding to show what she meant. Although she looks like she is awake as she looks around, it is clear she is very confused and often agitated. One really positive thing she now does is gives her parents very affectionate hugs. She likes to be held very closely in a gentle hug. For parents who are suffering along side of her, this is very good healing medicine. She was fitted for a wheel chair today. This serves to allow her to sit up and also to see some of the area around her. Those who know Kelsi must understand that when she finally comes home, she will need a great deal of help and understanding. Her current recovery is very consistent with a person who has been injured the way she has.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

August 23, 2007

Today Kelsi was transferred to Primary Children's Medical Center. It has been a good day so far. When they came in and told her she was moving to a new room, she was ready to go. It was hilarious! She wanted to sit up so we helped her, then she straightened her legs and pulled herself to a standing position. It scared us to death but was also very exciting. We helped hold her and she did really well. It was hard to keep her contained while they were finishing up everything for the transfer. I think she was a little dissapointed when she realized that her new room was not her room at home. But this is a very good move and we are thrilled about it. Thanks to all of you for your prayers! Keep them coming!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

August 22, 2007

Wow! What an amazing day it has been. This morning we didn't think we would have anything to say but things have quickly been changing this afternoon. First I will let you know about Kelsi's night. She was very busy. She kept rolling in bed and ended up pulling her feeding tube out. This afternoon she has finally started to respond to every command we have given her. This is a huge step! She will hold up two fingers, she will give hugs, straighten or bend limbs. It has been very exciting. She wants to sit now. So when we tell her to lift up her head if she wants to sit she lifts her head and pulls with her arms. She loves to be upright. Mom braided her hair and she gave her a hug! They were going to reinsert her feeding tube but decided to see how she does with eating. She seems to be doing pretty good. They are holding off on the tube for now. She had a little milk in a spoon, a couple bites of applesauce and then they put her medication in some chocolate pudding to see if she would eat it. She did. It was a wonderful! When her brother Andrew came to visit she didn't seem to recognize him at first. After he talked to her for a few minutes she seemed to recognize him and she gave him a hug. It made his day! It has definitely been a good day! Thank you so much for all of your love and concern! We appreciate all of you so much! Especially your faith and prayers in Kelsi's behalf!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Monday, August 20, 2007


Kelsi's progress is now sufficiently healed that she is being moved to a different facility to prepare for the start of the process of rehabilitation. She may not quite be ready for the rigorous therapy in the rehab center, but she is close enough to prepare for it. Due to the need for privacy, this location of the facility is not being listed on this blog.

Currently Kelsi seems to be able to respond to new simple commands each day and her body has enough strength to sit up when assisted with balance and to stand with a great deal of assistance (she has strong legs). She had a visit from a dear friend yesterday and her body motions and facial expressions seemed to indicate that she may have recognized her voice and possibly her face. We are not yet certain how clear her vision may be due to some swelling around her optic nerves. Each day she seems to gain greater awareness of her surroundings and is also slightly more interactive. She seems to have a great deal of control over each of her limbs. Currently she struggles with moving her right arm. She has given small indications that she at least knows a little about what is happening in her surroundings. Call it semi-concious or whatever, it all seems like a great answer to all the prayers and faith being exerted by many people on her behalf.

PRIVACY NOTICE August 20, 2007

PRIVACY NOTICE: Due to a recent local radio broadcast of the information listed on this blog, the following privacy statement is being issued. If futher privacy violations occur, this blog will be removed and the violation will be dealt with as deemed appropriate.

For those accessing this blog, please have the sensitivity to realize that the information listed on this blog is intended for private use only for the purposes of helping those affected in the healing process. Publicity of any sort regarding this matter is not desired. Any copying, transmitting, publishing, broadcasting or other use of this information without written permission from Kelsi's parents is strictly prohibited and protected by law. Athough the internet is a public forum, this blog is not. Please respect the rights and privacy of those who are working through the healing process.


Kelsi's Dad