Sunday, August 12, 2007

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Most of the life support has been removed to allow Kelsi to take control. Having been on life support for quite some time, she has found taking back control to be a challenge. Today was full of ups and downs, but she has generally been stable. For her to progress in recovery her brain has to take back all life support functions. When she is sleeping (most of the time), she needs some assitance with breathing. Her pneumonia is subsiding, but the doctors estimate that it will impede her progress for at least 6 more days.
She is moving more and more. Her left side is very active. She has used her right leg more today than any other day. Her right arm remains a concern because she moves it so little.
When it relates to movement, her status has changed from "random" movements to "purposeful" movements. This means that she is now moving her limbs with an objective. Her primary objective is to tear the breathing apparatus away from her mouth. She has worked very hard at meeting this objective. Anyone who knows Kelsi knows that you don't tell her "NO". She has now clearly shown that her determination is deeply ingrained into her phychie. She fought so hard to get to her breathing tube that the nurse decided to tighten her constaints all the way down to the corner of the bed. It wasn't a comfortable sight to see her so constained. She fought and fought to regain some freedom. She finally found that she could pull her entire body to the side of the bed and get her arm down the side of the bed, reach under the bed and find the distant end of the constaint. She managed to untie the distant end and release her arm. As soon as her arm was free, her hand shot straight for her face to rip out the ventilator tube. Dad happened to be watching and intercepted the hand - she was noticable agitated at having been stopped. She did all this while still unconscious.
Once again we would like to thank all of you for your continued faith and prayers. Kelsi needs all of us to help pull her through this trial. We feel our Heavenly Fathers love continuosly and are so grateful for the knowledge we have that he truely knows and loves each one of us individually.


Anonymous said...

Hey Lucy this sight is wonderful! I know I talked to you today but I want you to know how serious I am about helping. I tried to call Dan but he didn't answer , I'll call in the morning, I love you guys you are such a strong example. I will do whateer I can to help you and Kelsey through this long road. YOu are in my thoughts all day and night and i pray so many times a day. Hang in there, tell kelsi ethel is waiting for her to wake up. Call me for anything.

Anonymous said...

hell its kailee. when i read this it made me smile plus a litte chuckle. that is so kelsi to be trying to get up and take off all that stuff. i love the girl. she knows what she wants and it looks like she is getting it. she is such a strong girl. i am keeping her and the family in my prayers.