Wednesday, August 22, 2007

August 22, 2007

Wow! What an amazing day it has been. This morning we didn't think we would have anything to say but things have quickly been changing this afternoon. First I will let you know about Kelsi's night. She was very busy. She kept rolling in bed and ended up pulling her feeding tube out. This afternoon she has finally started to respond to every command we have given her. This is a huge step! She will hold up two fingers, she will give hugs, straighten or bend limbs. It has been very exciting. She wants to sit now. So when we tell her to lift up her head if she wants to sit she lifts her head and pulls with her arms. She loves to be upright. Mom braided her hair and she gave her a hug! They were going to reinsert her feeding tube but decided to see how she does with eating. She seems to be doing pretty good. They are holding off on the tube for now. She had a little milk in a spoon, a couple bites of applesauce and then they put her medication in some chocolate pudding to see if she would eat it. She did. It was a wonderful! When her brother Andrew came to visit she didn't seem to recognize him at first. After he talked to her for a few minutes she seemed to recognize him and she gave him a hug. It made his day! It has definitely been a good day! Thank you so much for all of your love and concern! We appreciate all of you so much! Especially your faith and prayers in Kelsi's behalf!


the-richardson-family said...

Kelsi, I love you! Dad

Anonymous said...

Way to go Kelsi! We're all pulling for you and praying for your quick recovery. You're an inspiration to us all. We love and miss you so much! Keep fighting and you'll be just fine.

Love ya!
The Lewis Family

Anonymous said...

Yeah Kelsi!!!! We are SO excited for you!! We are still praying and having faith that things will only get better from here. Way to go!!