Thursday, August 16, 2007

Thursday August 16, 2007

Kelsi in the tree just before the fall

Kelsi's 2nd day in the hospital (8-2)

Kelsi today (8-16)

When the neuro surgeon turns and gives you an excited hug, you know that something great is happening. All the fasting and prayers that you are doing showed great strides this morning. The doctors had hoped to avoid cutting into Kelsi's neck to install the breathing tube (tracheotomy). They had scheduled that to be done a couple of days ago but decided to hold off until Friday to see what progress she would make. Her progress was so great that they pulled the breathing tubes and shut down the respirator. She took off breathing on her own and has been breathing good all day. Kelsi's mouth is now empty and her beautiful pearly white teeth are shining through. Kelsi is moving her head around and had her eyes open much of the day. Generally she stares blankly ahead, but once in a while she looks around searchingly. At times she stares at her hand as she touches her knee in an attempt to get reaquainted.
Kelsi's mental state is considered by the doctors to be "alert" meaning that she can react to stimulus, but is not concious of much of what is happening. When observing her actions throughout the day, it appears she has very short burst of awareness. Consider them as possible short moments of conciousness. These moments are begining to be more frequent and are a positive indicator that she will become more and more aware very soon.
Just for clarification (some have not understood previous reports when referring to her being asleep versus awake): Kelsi has not been fully concious since the fall. The difference between her being asleep and awake has to do with the amount of activity she has with her body. When she is asleep she is laying very still, not moving arms, legs, fingers or toes. When she is awake, her arms, legs, fingers and toes are moving around and very busy, but she gives little or no indication that she is aware of the presence of others in the room. The closest she comes to being concious is when she will follow a simple command such as "hold up 2 fingers" or "move your toes". Following these commands are indications of a low level of conciousness, but she has only followed these commands a few times for very short periods. Full conciousness will be the next exciting step in her progress. We don't have a good idea of how long that will take.


Anonymous said...

I am so excited she was able to come off the respirator. She looks so much better without all the tubes and lines. I so believe that she will surprise her Dr.'s and show them just how strong she is. You continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. We love you!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Richardson family, for sharing so much with us. Your family has been such an inspiration. We have enjoyed looking at all the photos of Kelsi and seeing her spirit shine through her bright eyes and smile. I vividly remember the last time she bore her testimony in Sacrament Meeting. She has an amazing spirit and so much love in her. I spent a little time in the Richardson home yesterday. Your family is wonderful. The spirit of the Lord is with them and it is evident in everything associated with with all things Richardson. We love Kelsi and continue to pray for her.

Unknown said...

Tyler Fullmer,
Hi Kelsi. I don't know if your going to rember me or not. But I love you alot. Your a really good friend. I know your going to get better. I am praying and fasting for you.

Anonymous said...

I only recently learned of Kelsi's fall. I am glad to hear that she is on the way to recovery, and that she is now breathing on her own. The Richardson family has my prayers as well as the prayers of all of Jordan's friends. We'll be following her recovery.

Anonymous said...

i am so happy that they could finally take away her respirator. We get to finally see her bright smiling face! kelsi is one of the strongest people i know. she teaches me so much. kelsi you are in my prayers everyday. i cant wait till we can go play and hang out again! i love you kels!!

Anonymous said...

Richardson Family, I am very sorry to hear about Kelsi, but she is strong, just like the other Richardson's I know and love. Absolutely, Kelsi and your family are in my prayers.

Unknown said...

KELSI! you're doing it babe! everyone believes in you and the amazing-ness of our church. :D just keep getting better sweetie...i love you, and of course, you are in my prayers.