Monday, September 10, 2007

September 10, 2007

Today Kelsi had an MRI. We will get the results tomorrow morning. Because of this procedure she only had 2 hours of therapy in the morning. After the MRI she was pretty much wiped out for the rest of the day. Because you have to hold totally still for 45 minutes they used general anesthesia. There is no way she could hold perfectly still that long.
She is doing well and is getting hooked on cheesecake. I told her to enjoy it because she won't be getting that every day when she gets home.
One of her cross country coaches came to see her today and Kelsi told her the reason she doesn't like to talk is because she doesn't like the way her voice sounds. She said it sounds scratchy. So, now we know why she keeps whispering. She had been telling us she whispers because she likes to be lazy. Yeah, right! Kelsi lazy? She definitely can turn on her voice when she wants to though. Many of you have seen that. She is still seeing double and we are praying for that to soon go away. Today she told me that it is so slow to get better. I'm sure she doesn't realize or understand how slow this type of injury is to heal and she is actually healing very quickly.
Thank you for all of your love and prayers!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aloha Richardson Family! I wish we were closer. I would then come over every wed. afternoon just like before :) I miss you guys. Kelsi- we are rooting for you and are so glad you are walking on your own again! Freedom! You will continue to grow stronger and stronger. I ran into a friend Andrew's. Tyler Christenson is in my new ward! He is funny. I love you all! - Christina