Wednesday, September 12, 2007

September 12, 2007

Kelsi has remembered to use her voice all day today. I haven't heard one whisper. A couple weeks ago 2 of her therapists asked her where her favorite place to eat was. She said it was Cafe Rio. They made a deal with her that when she could talk loud enough for them to hear her order, they would take her there for lunch. Today they said that it looks like that lunch date is getting close.
she's doing awesome.
Tonight the charge nurse told Randy that they think Kelsi may be able to go home next week. We are hoping that will happen!!
Kelsi was taking a nap this afternoon when all of the sudden, she sat up and said, "I think it's so dumb." I asked her what was dumb. She said, "I think it's so dumb that they won't let me go to Young Women tonight." I thought that was pretty funny because I didn't know she even realized Young Women was tonight. She then went on to talk about how long it had been since she had attended young women. I told her that if the doctors approved, I would take her to her young women class on Sunday and also Sacrament meeting. She was excited about that.
Several people have asked us if there is something in particular, or specific they could pray for at this point. We are praying that her eyes will continue to heal. They need to become stronger and start working together better. Thank you so much for asking and wanting to continue praying for her!

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