Friday, September 7, 2007

September 7, 2007

Another great day! Kelsi is still becoming stronger each day! She is standing quite well now all by herself. She tried climbing out of her bed by herself today and I asked where she was going. She said, "to grandpa's". I told her I didn't think so because it was too far away to walk. She told me that is the first thing she is going to do when she gets home. Kristi and some friends came to visit this evening. Kristi sat in Kelsi's wheelchair and said, "I like your chair Kelsi, it's really comfortable." Kelsi said, "You can keep it. Just pick it up and take it with you because I'm walking out of here." Knowing her, she probably will be walking out when it's time to go home. She is so determined. It was so much fun to see the way Kristi and Kelsi were with each other tonight. It was just like old times to listen to them talk to each other, sarcasm and all. Kelsi was totally herself with Kristi. Her personality is coming through stronger each day.
She loves visiting with each of you who have come up. Thank you for your support and love for her. Keep the prayers coming her way!! Thanks!

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