Saturday, September 8, 2007

September 8, 2007

Wow, where to begin? The day started out with the doctor saying that Kelsi's feeding tube can be removed! They didn't have to tell her twice! She grabbed a hold and pulled it out as fast as she could. She was so excited to finally be totally tube free. She is eating and drinking well enough on her own now.
She was able to have a "ride pass" today. We felt like we were checking a book out of the library. Kelsi chose to go to Temple Square. It was a beautiful day. She said the sun was very bright. The thought hadn't even crossed our minds that she had been in for over 5 weeks. We should have brought her some sunglasses. She wanted to touch the temple and to see the Christus. We also walked around to see the gardens. She enjoyed it very much and said it was nice to get out. She tired quite easily so we didn't stay too long.
She had many visitors this evening. She enjoyed it so much and was so excited. She used her voice more tonight than she has yet. By the end of the evening she was back to whispering because she was so tired. She wanted to sleep but she told me it is rude to sleep when there are visitors and also that it would be embarrassing because she is a loud sleeper. I told her I didn't think she was a loud sleeper anymore because I haven't heard a peep out of her and I am there a lot when she is sleeping.
She had fun trying to figure out her cell phone again. She could pull up the contact she wanted to text and then she would ask us to text what she said. She's anxious to get her fingers working well enough so she can do it on her own. It will come. She's getting mover coordinated and stronger every day.
She is really excited for tomorrow. She gets another ride pass and she chose to attend her own sacrament meeting. I don't know if she will make it through the entire meeting. We will see! Thank you for your continued support!

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