Monday, September 3, 2007

Monday September 3, 2007

Kelsi's day began well before the crack of dawn at roughly 5:00 a.m. She was awakened by a crying child in an adjacent room. My first impulse was to calm her back to sleep, but she had something on her mind and was determined to tell me. She asked where Top was. I told her he went back to Taiwan a few weeks ago. She asked if he had come to visit her. I told her he had, but that he could not come in because she was in critical care and only immediate family was allowed in there. She asked what he did. I told her that he stayed in the waiting room. She said, "I'm sorry he had to wait there." She is so concerned about everyone else.

She was hungry. I asked the nurse what time the food service opened. She told us that it opened at 7:00 a.m. Kelsi said, "That's a long time." I asked if she would like chocolate pudding to hold her over. She replied, "Yes" with her great big beautiful smile. She inhaled two servings of pudding followed by two servings of applesauce to hold her over.

There was still an hour to go before breakfast, so I asked if she wanted to go for a walk. She did. We went back to her old stomping (not much stomping really happens there) grounds at the UofU Med Center - NCC (neuro critical care). The doctors were on rounds and she got to meet the neuro surgeons that treated her brain injury. It was a treat for them to be able to see the product of their efforts and gave her the chance to thank them personally. We went next door to 3N. There was one person there that had cared for her. She told him thanks too. These are people that she never saw, but who had critical parts in caring for her at her most critical moments.

Throughout the day she has had many visitors. She wanted to sit up and talk to them. When we told her she was getting very tired and needed to lay down she said, "Mom, there's people here!" Our social butterfly has come out of her cocoon. Nothing changed in that department. She has said so many humorous things that we can't possibly remember them all.

The most amazing thing is that she not only has her long term memory, but she has her short term memory. She remembers what happened this last week and she remembers the faith walk the night before her fall. She remembers EFY the week before and all the names of the people she met there. The medical people are baffled. To make this rapid of a comeback after such a long time in a coma is a real miracle.

She told us today that she sees 2 of everything. This is because her eyes are not quite aligned. This should correct itself over time. Right now she compensates by closing one eye when needed.

All of your prayers and faith have been heard by the Lord. At this time we would like to ask all of you to pray also for another child who had an accident yesterday and who is in about the same condition Kelsi was when she fell. This child has a lot in common with Kelsi and needs your faith and prayers more than ever. Due to her need for privacy, details about her cannot be given here, but Heavenly Father will know who you mean if you pray for the child that had a brain injury yesterday.


Unknown said...

Way to go Kels! I can't believe how quickly she is recovering...and the fact that she remembers the Faith Walk. Wow. This whole experience was been a miracle for everyone who loves Kelsi. :D I miss you Kels! Love you lots. xoxo Chlo

Anonymous said...

Kelsi. my darling love. I'm so proud of you for everything. honestly wow you are so dedicated. in everything honestly. and i think everyone can agree with me there, it shows. your dedication of going home. Honey, don't worry the Lord will take care of you. He loves you so much, and he's always there no matter what. Kels, I know that you are blessed, and don't you ever forget that...mkay? Get strong fast, so i can see you and be with you, and we can laugh again together. Kels you have no idea how good it is to hear that you remember, cuz I dunno what I would do if I couldn't laugh at all those dumb things we did together. If I didn't have you. THanks for blessing my life, and being the example that you are. Kelsi nobody could have done a better good at this than you. You're sooo strong. Don't you ever doubt that. ahh i just miss you ever so much...and I wanna talk to you forever, but I can't. I love you just remember that. :)

Love, Brandi

PS. Cross Country Isn't the same without you :(

Anonymous said...

Kelsi, I'm so happy that your doing so good! I'm glad you remember so much, especially EFY:) I was truly blessed to be part of your experience there. You were such a wonderful example to all of us there and you you continue to be. Even though I can't see you, the light of Christ shines through you. You are so strong, I hope I can be as strong as you are. Keep going, you'll be home in no time!
SURRRRRE LOVE YA! (with a great big hug)