Tuesday, September 4, 2007

September 4, 2007

Today Kelsi passed her hearing test with flying colors. She also passed her swallow test for liquids. That means she can start drinking liquids orally. As soon as she can drink enough each day, she will be able to get rid of her last tube! Yep, her feeding tube. Right now they are pretty much only giving her water in her feeding tube because she is eating her meals now.
We were told that she is now a level 6 on the rancho scale. That was good news. We thought she was but it was good to hear it from the medical staff.
She is asking lots of questions which shows she is thinking. The most interesting question today was when she asked, "What does Kristi think?" I asked her ,"What does Kristi think about what?" She then said, "about the tree." I asked her if she meant the tree she fell out of, and she shook her head yes. We then had a nice little talk about the tree and Kristi's feelings. One other thing that was interesting was she had a nightmare last night about bears. The bed she is in is called a posey bed. The nurses call it a tent bed. Last night she was asleep when it was zipped close. She must have heard the zippers and thought she was at camp. There were many girls who were worried about bears at camp. It was surprising to us that Kelsi was afraid of bears last night. She asked her dad for a blessing. This morning when she woke up she said, "the bears lost." One last thing I got a kick out of today, she told me that she had a monkey bed. I asked her why it was a monkey bed. She said that it was like the one on Tarzan with the netting on the sides to keep the bugs out. I hadn't even thought of that one. She is doing amazing! We are so excited about the progress she is making! Thank you to everyone! And, thank you to whoever you are who came over and picked and canned peaches for me today!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As Walter and Brother and Sister Kendall and I were sitting and takling about your amazing progress today, we could not help but marvel at how far you hav come. Walter was talking about how he misses having you in sunday school because you are so good at "Lesson Hangman", and you have always brought such a light into his lessons.

As long as you don't tell the Bishop I'll give you free passes to be late to Sunday School as soon as you come back.

We all love you so much and have you and your family in our prayers all of the time. Please come back to us soon as we all miss your smile and the spirit you bring with you whereever you go.

with all our Love,
The Kendalls, and The Smiths