Thursday, September 6, 2007

September 6, 2007

Kelsi had a good day today. We were told that she is between a 6 and 7 on the rancho scale now. That is exciting! The highlight for today was when the nurse and I were helping Kelsi get ready for bed the nurse turned to me and said, "She is incredible, it just doesn't happen this fast. When someone has a brain injury as severe as Kelsi's they just don't heal this quick!" I then had the opportunity to share with her how amazing fasting and prayer is. I told her that Kelsi's brother is serving a mission and his mission president had all the missionaries hold a mission wide fast for her, again. And there are so many other people around the world who are fasting and praying for her recovery. Is she a member of the church? I had no idea but felt I should share that with her. Later I found out from Randy that she is not a member. He happened to have an experience with her a couple nights ago when Kelsi had asked for a priesthood blessing. It's amazing what our Heavenly Father can do when we ask and have faith! Thank you for all of your continued prayers! We all love all of you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't think that any of us will ever know how many lives this miracle has touched.