Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Tuesday September 18, 2007

The doctors and therapists met today and decided that although Kelsi may be ready to go home this week, they felt that because she was still making such tremendous progress, it would be best to give her another week of therapy in the hospital. They discussed their ideas with Kelsi's parents, strongly advising that another week of therapy would be good for Kelsi, but gave them the choice to make the final decision. Kelsi seemed to be sleeping during the conversation, but when the medical staff left, she sat up in bed and gave her opinion on the decision to be made. Her parents weren't quite sure if she had really understood what went on in the conversation. She made it clear that she had by repeating key parts. She said that she wants to go home this Friday. On September 11 the medical staff made a poster with 12 goals that they felt Kelsi should meet before she was ready to go home. Kelsi and the medical staff agreed that the goals would be the criteria for going home. Kelsi's parents considered those goals. She has met them all. She worked very hard to accomplish each of them. Now, after she had already done her part, they wanted to raise the bar! Kelsi's parents decided that the 12 goals were a contract with Kelsi. To change that now was not fair or honest. They quickly decided that Kelsi goes home on Friday. Certainly Kelsi could make a lot of progress if left in the hospital for many more weeks, but what would that teach her about setting and achieving worthy goals?
Kelsi is doing awesome in her progress. One could not pray for much better success on her part. Once the decision was made for her to go this week, the medical staff invited her to a small celebration for all those who are returning home this week. The first to leave was a 7 year old that had been seriously hurt in a car accident. Another that was hurt on a 4-wheeler leaves tomorrow. This is an incredible week for many of the patients who have suffered under similar circumstances. The child that was mentioned previously in this blog series, and that some of you may be praying for, leaves tomorrow too. Your faith and prayers have been heard and answered. Thanks for all the love and faith you have given to Kelsi. Please continue to pray for her. She may be home soon, but the road to a complete recovery and the integration back into school is long. She will need all the help she can get.
For those of you who are anxiously awaiting her return - get ready - she's coming home!


Anonymous said...

YAAY KELSI! There are so many people who've been waiting to hear this news for a month and a half! Way to go Kels! Everyone is so proud of the remarkable person she is and how determined she has been throughout this entire ordeal. We love you Kelsi!

Anonymous said...

Love ya tons :)

Anonymous said...

Oh great, there goes the neighborhood! KIDDING!! You deserve to be home Kelsi and we all can't wait to see you. You've done great so far and although the road to full recovery is still long you, along with Heavenly Father and your family, will get through this!

You are awesome! (and popular). Ha ha!

sourfleed said...

Hurray!! Congratulations Kelsi & family!! I have been reading this blog for several weeks and I'm so happy to hear this great news!
Jodi (Eddington) Jensen