Wednesday, September 19, 2007

September 19, 2007

Today Kelsi had her dream lunch! Several weeks ago her therapists told her that they would take her to Cafe Rio when she could talk loud enough for them to hear her order. Today we went! She was so excited! We were a little concerned whether the noise and crowd would be too much stimulation but she did great!
She used scissors for the first time today, since her fall. It is amazing to us as her parents to see her struggle at things we all take for granted.
When Mom got home tonight she was very surprised when she answered her cell phone to find Kelsi on the other end. She was bored and wanted to talk. She called all by herself without any help from the nurses.
Whenever anyone asks her what she is most excited about as far as going home goes, she says, "My little brothers." That made them feel special. She always has had a great love for those little guys! Of course, her answer may vary depending on what she is thinking about at the time.
Today was a very long, long day. She is definitely getting hospitalitis. (we all are) She was in and out of her bed constantly. She would just walk around her room bored out of her mind!
We sure appreciate all of you who have kept up on Kelsi's progress each day! There are so many people who love her! She (and us) is so grateful to each of you and all you have done for her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kelsi was so wonderful to see you on Sunday. It was exciting to see my kids watch you. They have been very diligent at including you in all our prayers and to see and read about your amazing progress has been a great tool to teach them about how powerful prayer can be. And a reminder to all of us that we have a loving Heavenly
Father who hears our prayers and blesses us accordingly. Our family will continue to pray for you and we are excited for you to come home. We love you and your family.