Sunday, September 16, 2007

September 16, 2007

Kelsi had a blast spending the day at home today. She attended young women and sacrament meeting. She had a total of 22 visitors come to the house after church before she headed back to the hospital. She was very sad to have to go back, but she also understands that she must do this for now.
She has been walking all over the place. Her wheelchair never left the car. She loves being home and can't wait until she can stay.
Last night we were told that on Tuesday the team of doctors, therapists and nurses will choose a discharge date for her to look forward to. They will make her a countdown calendar to mark the days. We can hardly wait to hear what day it will be.
While reading from the Book of Mormon tonight as a family, we were reading from Moroni chapter 7. We really enjoyed the part where Mormon was talking about faith and miracles. If you haven't read this lately, read it. We have personally seen the miracles brought forth by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Not only the faith of Kelsi and our family, but also the faith of so many friends and family around the world. Thank you so much for joining us in prayer and fasting and faith over the last 46 days. You have all been part of this miracle! We realize that she still has a long road ahead before she is fully recovered but the progress she has made is overwhelming! Thank you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kelsi you are looking so so so good!! i LOVED seeing you yesterday and seeing your amazing progress!! i am so excited for when you get to come home. i will be a frequent visitor at your house!! You are so strong. we all love you so much and cant wait to dress up and play with you soon!! thank you lisa and randy for letting us come over and spend time with her and keeping us informed on a daily basis with this blog. it has been such a great help and im on here daily!! we all love you so much!! love you kelsi!!!
Love Jessica