Thursday, September 20, 2007

Thursday September 20, 2007

This evening Kelsi wanted to go on a walk with her Dad. Dad asked her if she wanted to go outside. She did. As they walked toward the setting sun, Kelsi found the light extremely bright for her still dialated eyes. She closed her eyes as she walked and said, "Dad, you need to pretend you are walking with a blind person." Dad guided her past any troublespots as they walked completely around the west side of the hospital as well as through the Moran Eye Center, an adjacent hospital. The walk was long and they had to stop, sit and rest periodically. Kelsi became aware of how weak her legs felt after laying on her back in bed for most of the past 7 weeks. Physical therapy has done a great deal of help, but to get all of her strength back will take much more time and effort. She commented a couple of times on how she walks funny. She also commented that her voice sounds funny too. Dad told her that the fact that she can hear and feel the differences from her past abilities are helping her brain to restore them. Kelsi called her Mom a couple times just to be sure she got home safe. The concern she has always shown for others has returned. Dad was able to explain to Kelsi that prior to her accident she was a very righteous and faithful person and that our Heavenly Father has blessed her faithfulness by quickly healing her. Conversations with Kelsi have been very close to the conversations of the past as a big part of her ability to understand is now returning. Throughout the day Kelsi has wanted to know all of the details about what those who were surrounding her did as they waited for Life Flight.
Tomorrow evening Kelsi will come home. Those who know her will note many things that still need a lot of time to get better. She will be very tired. The time that people can visit her will need to be limited so she continues to get the rest she needs. It will be some time before she can attend school, but she will slowly be able to get back. No one who hasn't had a similar experience can fully understand the level of effort Kelsi has put out to get better. Anyone who really knows Kelsi, knows how hard she will continue to work to fully recover. All who have faithfully fasted and prayed for Kelsi should be able to see the hand of the Lord in healing her. Many have prayed for Kelsi. We thank you for that. Please continue your prayers as she re-enters the real world.

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