Saturday, September 15, 2007

Saturday September 15, 2007

Today started out pretty good for Kelsi. She went about her usual morning routine, but when the speech therapist came to get her, a scary mishaps occurred. She started to move from her bed to the wheel chair and her foot slipped on the floor. Her Dad was on the wrong side of the wheel chair to get to her and she fell, striking the right cheek of her face on the floor. Although she fell only a short distance and mostly caught herself on her hands, the floor is very hard and the impact gave her a small headache and a red spot on the part of her face that covers her cheek bone. Needless to say it scared everyone a great deal. Dad feels really bad because he had gotten a little slack in his job of watching over her. He had seen so much success that this little slip came as a real surprise. Kelsi is the one that is supposed to be overconfident. Dad is happy that she was over it fairly quick. A couple hours later the red mark on the cheek had faded away as had the headache.
Speech therapy went the best it has ever gone today (immediately after her fall). She did reading, writing and problem solving so much better than previous days. We even remarked that the little bump on the face may have woke up some still sleepy parts of her brain. Everything she did in therapy session was a step forward.
Her spirits were up because today she had a ride pass to go home and to go see the Harry Potter movie at the theater.
Once home she joined in with the family enjoying every moment of her evening stay. The movie went fairly good. She did need to doze a few times to get through it. She still has a ways to go before she can sit through a full length movie. Yeah for the DVD/VCR. When she gets home she can stop the movie when she is tired.
After the movie the family went home and enjoyed her company. She caught a few well deserved Z's and then it was time to go back to the hospital. She was a little sad that she had to go back, but it is only for the night. She gets to return in the morning to attend church, have dinner with the family and rest at home before returning to the hospital.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Kelsi and Family.

I am Aunt Gay’s youngest that makes me your Dad’s cousin, Your Mom and I share a dentist.

My family and I have dedicated our fast for two Sundays to you. We have been following your progress and have noticed that you seem to improve big leaps during or just after a fast.

I know that the Lords hand is in your recovery Kelsi he is blessing you and will continue to bless you, He loves you so much!!

I am not very concerned with the “why” or “what ifs” but I am amazed with the miracles that have happened and are happening in your life Kelsi.

I want to thank who ever is writing the blogs keeping the family updated on your condition Kelsi you don’t know my kids but I read to them the blogs and you are quite the celebrity in our house my oldest she is 11 next she is 9 next she is 7 next she is 5 next she is 3 and last he is 1.

We are keeping you in our prayers and hope that your vision improves soon.

Love M,M,S,J,S,M,H & J