Sunday, September 9, 2007

September 9, 2007

As many of you know, Kelsi was able to attend Sacrament meeting in our ward today. She was very excited about it. I was afraid she would only make it half way through. She made it the entire 70 minutes. I apologize to those of you who wanted to talk to Kelsi afterwards. We needed to slip out during the closing song because too much stimulation makes her agitated right now. She told me later that too many people at once makes her nervous. That's the way she described it to me. It won't be long before it will not bother her and you can all visit with her. It just takes more healing before she will reach that stage.
She had a great time at home after church. We kept her a few more hours and then took her back.
While she was home she stood up from the couch where she was sitting, walked 4 steps, turned around and walked back to the couch, turned back around and sat down all on her own without anyone touching her. This is a HUGE milestone. Those were her first steps alone since her fall.
She now remembers going on the hike at camp. I asked her if she remembers the big beautiful tree Sister Mason showed us on our way up the hike. She did. She told me it was really big. I told her that was the tree she fell from. She was really surprised. She doesn't remember climbing it or falling. In fact, she told me she doesn't want to remember falling because it would be scary. I don't want her to either.
It was fun for us to bring Kelsi to church so you can see the power of fasting and prayer! Thank you so much and please continue to pray for her continued progess.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was so amazing to see you in church yesterday. What a blessing it was for all of us to see you! Can't wait until you are back with us every week. Just seeing you there made it extra special.

We pray for you every day and want you to know the love we have for you! You're awesome :o)